thePoint: B2B Marketing & Sales blog by GROWTHPOINT®
Welcome! thePoint: B2B Marketing & Sales blog offers usable, actionable information that focuses on latest in MarTech and best practices that can be implemented into your B2B marketing & sales strategy.
Secret tool of sales success: The Sales Sequence
Secret tool of sales success: The Sales Sequence When someone is ready to buy or calling you to learn how your solution can solve a problem, sales is certainly more enjoyable. The less enjoyable part is engaging great prospects that do not know you – yet! In days long ago, there was the “just go to their office” cold call. There is the phone [...]
What is a B2B Lead?
For all of us involved in selling to B2B (particularly manufacturing) prospects, answering the question - What is a lead? The short answer is one of two definitions "a new potential relationship" or "a reason to check in with an existing relationship." You are fortunate if 10% of the leads you identify are "ready to buy" or what many in sales term "sales ready" [...]
#7 Hidden Pothole – 7 things every CEO should know about marketing
It is time to wrap up the “7 things every CEO should know about marketing” series with our final topic, #7 – the hidden pothole that I believe you as a CEO should avoid. What pothole am I talking about? It is the martech pothole (“martech” being the common term used in the industry for marketing & sales enablement technology solutions). Currently, there are [...]
#6 Key Metrics – 7 things every CEO should know about marketing
This is probably the one thing that every CEO wants to know about marketing – what are the best key metrics to use for making marketing investment decisions and then to evaluate those marketing investments. I deliberately did not make this my #1 because the previous posts cover elements that, if not addressed, will greatly influence these key metrics. Now that I have covered [...]
#5 Marketing and Sales Alignment – 7 things every CEO should know about marketing
We have arrived at the #5 thing I believe every CEO should know about marketing. In case you are new to the series, you can find #1 - #4 (The “Ante”, Not all marketing is the same, B2B buyer journey, and B2B website purpose) in our blog. #5 is about alignment – specifically marketing and sales alignment around one specific definition. There are certainly [...]
#4 B2B Website Purpose – 7 things every CEO should know about marketing
B2B website purpose As websites have evolved, I am still surprised to find many B2B websites are basically all about the company and what they do or what they offer. That may sound strange to you as a CEO. After all, isn’t the purpose of your website to let people know who you are and what they can buy from you? That is true in a [...]