manufacturing marketing

#7 Hidden Pothole – 7 things every CEO should know about marketing 

It is time to wrap up the “7 things every CEO should know about marketing” series with our final topic, #7 – the hidden pothole that I believe you as a CEO should avoid. What pothole am I talking about? It is the martech pothole (“martech” being the common term used in the industry for marketing & sales enablement technology solutions). Currently, there are over 8,000 martech solutions available (see Figure 1). That is overwhelming […]

2021-05-18T02:29:23+00:00March 17th, 2021|Marketing Strategy, Sales Enablement|

#6 Key Metrics – 7 things every CEO should know about marketing

This is probably the one thing that every CEO wants to know about marketing – what are the best key metrics to use for making marketing investment decisions and then to evaluate those marketing investments. I deliberately did not make this my #1 because the previous posts cover elements that, if not addressed, will greatly influence these key metrics. Now that I have covered those, let’s dive into the key metrics […]

#5 Marketing and Sales Alignment – 7 things every CEO should know about marketing

We have arrived at the #5 thing I believe every CEO should know about marketing. In case you are new to the series, you can find #1 – #4 (The “Ante”, Not all marketing is the same, B2B buyer journey, and B2B website purpose) in our blog.


#5 is about alignment – specifically marketing and sales alignment around one specific definition. There are certainly many […]

#3: B2B Buyer Journey – 7 things every CEO should know about marketing

This third blog post of the “7 things a CEO needs to know about marketing” series focuses on the B2B buyer journey. You may believe your company sells stuff to the market – like your products or services, however, that is your seller view and not a buyer view. You indeed have products and services, and you definitely engage in activities that lead to sales but the truth is people are buying what they need […]

#2: Not all marketing is the same – 7 things every CEO should know about marketing

Many CEOs tell me about marketing companies that call or email them to sell automated nurture, or paid search, or SEO, or other services that they assure the CEO is what works. There are certainly some marketing tactics that one might consider fundamental to many business operations but the real truth is, and the #2 in my series of 7 things every CEO should know about marketing, tactics that work for […]

#1: The Ante – 7 things every CEO should know about marketing

The Marketing Ante

What do you, as a CEO, need to know about marketing? If you have a marketing professional in a leadership role on your team, you might initially think you don’t need to know that much. Of course, how do you know if they are doing a good job? If you are a CEO that has part-time marketing staff, or maybe just tactical marketing […]