marketing leadership

The One-Person B2B Marketing Department Playbook – Chapter 2 – Filling the Gaps

With your inventory scores in hand (see Pre-requisite Work), we are ready to talk about how you can examine your scores and start considering what will be a priority in hiring (as budget allows) or outsourcing to accomplish your marketing mission as you progress. The good news is that you have both internal and external sources of knowledge and skills to fill gaps for you along the way. Below we will review these source options following the inventory form categories and then discuss priorities in terms of what you might consider first as you build your team and capabilities.

The One-Person B2B Marketing Department Playbook – Chapter 1 – Taking Inventory

As a one-person (or small staff) B2B marketing shop, the logical place to start is to map out (take inventory of) the current knowledge and skills you can competently bring to the table yourself, the knowledge and skills you believe you should learn to provide yourself, and then those that you are willing to outsource to ensure the success of your marketing efforts. Taking inventory is the first step in the B2B Marketing Playbook.

The One-Person B2B Marketing Department Playbook – Introduction

This B2B Marketing Playbook (series of articles and then a real book) is designed specifically to cover the unique challenges that one-person (or small staff) marketers face. The end goal is to accelerate the overall process enabling you to deliver all of the full-service marketing deliverables required to drive sales success for your business.