thePoint: B2B Marketing & Sales Blog2020-03-28T20:15:15+00:00
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thePoint: B2B Marketing & Sales blog by GROWTHPOINT®

Welcome! thePoint: B2B Marketing & Sales blog offers usable, actionable information that focuses on latest in MarTech and best practices that can be implemented into your B2B marketing & sales strategy.

How Organizations Waste Perfectly Good Leads – Part 3

So far, we have examined two possible barriers that limit or even prevent timely lead follow-up – lead bottlenecks (How Organizations Waste Perfectly Good Leads – Part 1) and the failure to deliver leads to the right person (How Organizations Waste Perfectly Good Leads – Part 2). In this final article, ‘How Organizations Waste Perfectly Good Leads – Part 3’, [...]

Marketing in the New World – new purpose, new skills

In the first post on this topic, “Marketing in the new world – the cheese is moved,” I covered the first marketing new world order (my term) that states: that technology has completely and radically changed the way your potential and existing customers engage with and purchase from your company. Your prospects don’t have to rely on sales personnel to gain [...]

How Organizations Waste Perfectly Good Leads – Part 2

Failure to Deliver Leads to the Right Person In the first article in this series, How Organizations Waste Perfectly Good Leads (Part 1), I introduced you to possible lead bottlenecks that may be preventing or limiting timely follow-up on the great leads you are generating for your sales team. In ‘How Organizations Waste Perfectly Good Leads – Part 2’, I [...]

Marketing in the new world – the cheese is moved

Your “marketing” cheese got moved and I am writing to help you find it. To that end, here are the two things your organization must embrace in terms of sales and marketing in this new technology-driven world. Technology has completely and radically changed the way your potential and existing customers engage with and purchase from your company. The spoils will go [...]

How Organizations Waste Perfectly Good Leads – Part 1

How Organizations Waste Perfectly Good Leads So you’ve just finished an amazing campaign that generated a ton of interest and, more important, qualified leads! You expect sales to be closing left and right, but that is not happening. Why not? Why are these fantastic qualified leads not producing the sales results you expect? Well, you are not alone. How organizations [...]