thePoint: B2B Marketing & Sales blog by GROWTHPOINT®
Welcome! thePoint: B2B Marketing & Sales blog offers usable, actionable information that focuses on latest in MarTech and best practices that can be implemented into your B2B marketing & sales strategy.
B2B Marketers: The most important questions to ask sales
B2b marketers, when you get sales leadership (or better yet, even just a few of the truly good sales people) in a room, what information should you get from them to create more success for both marketing and sales in your organization? What are the most important questions to ask sales? There are two key topic areas where your questions will serve you best [...]
What is your sales team pitching?
What is your sales team pitching: When your sales team sends an email to a prospect to pitch a product, what do they say? It’s very likely that many of you have no idea. You make an assumption that if you have given sales leadership or the sales team the right product/service brochures or other collatoral, or you have given them an approved presentation, [...]
Where Messaging Matters
You wrote your messaging (some call it value propositions) for your brand and each of your products, now what do you do with that messaging? If you only use messaging in advertising or in a powerpoint or document that you want sales to share, you will miss an important step. Where messaging matters: Everything customer facing Where messaging matters: Your overall brand messaging and [...]
Improve sales effectiveness with cloud-based sales enablement and automation tool
Product Release: Improve sales effectiveness with cloud-based sales enablement and automation tool. The right message and collateral at a salesperson’s fingertips! Solution Pitch, a cloud-based sales automation tool, is simply something that sales people dream of and likely don’t have. Now their dreams have come true – your salesperson can use their mobile device or any browser to quickly locate and send their prospect [...]
The One-Person B2B Marketing Department Playbook – Chapter 5 – Marketing Content: Baiting the Hook
One-Person B2B Marketing Department Playbook: Chapter 5 - Marketing Content If you have ever fished, you know that having the right bait greatly increases your chance of catching fish compared to just having a plain steel hook in the water (it’s shiny but not fooling anyone!). If marketing content is a fishing analogy, then your content is the bait. When engaging marketing prospects to [...]
Which Conversion Attribution Model is Best for You?
Which conversion attribution model is best is for you? In this day and age it isn’t uncommon to find a diverse mix of channels and tactics in demand generation and marketing plans, and this is to be expected as each tactic has different strengths and weaknesses. The big question for marketers, however, is how to demonstrate how these diverse tactics effect conversions or e-commerce [...]